Reaching the World with the Gospel.

The final words of Christ Jesus to His disciples was instruction to be faithful witnesses. That Great Commission is recorded in each Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and the Book of Acts. It is our firm conviction that God has called EVERY BELIEVER to the work and ministry of reconciliation. That demands participation from every member of Mount Moriah. We are each to be committed to living a life that reflects our relationship with Jesus Christ -- i.e. we are to be salt and light.
Obedience to the Great Commission also demands that we be involved in reaching the Untold Millions all around the world who have not yet come to faith in Christ Jesus. We are, therefore, committed to World Evangelism through Missions. We give, pray, and go through families and organizations who are committed to making disciples of all nations.
Our outreach around the world includes evangelism, church planting, education, and assisting in the establishment of New Testament local churches. We support - through finances, communication, and prayer - various families and ministries in the United States, Spain, Italy, Mexico, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Brazil, Guyana, and India; many of these missionaries are listed below, some are not posted due to the country they serve in and the sensitivity to their safety.
For more information about our Missions commitment, contact Pastor Alvis at MtMoriahBaptist@gmail.com.
Dr. John Sircar serving in Bangledesh, Bangledesh Theological Seminary and Orphanage
Camps Abroad located in Brevard, NC
Dick and Rush Gelina, Retired but serving in Florida
Jack and Jonnie Hunt retired serving in North Carolina
Jonathan and Wendy Latham serivng in Mexico
Joaquin and Paqui Lopez serving in Spain
Frank and Jennie Maietta serving in Italy
Jeff and Elizabeth Owens serving in Kiari, Papua New Guinea
Jim and Jan Ruff serving in the Training Division of ABWE
Bill and Debbie Tobias serving with ABWE Special Projects
The Wilds, Brevard NC
Shalom Ministries
God Bless America Crusade
Dale and Vickie Money serving with First Bible International
Jonathan and Hannah Speights serving in Brazil
Jake and Joy DeWald serving in Dominican Republic